Following the success of or Kettlebell Exercise List blog post we decided to create one for dumbbells. Since dumbbells are a more common and accessible fitness training tool, we hope that this article will benefit many users of our gym as well as others.

Push-ups using dumbbells

Hold two dumbbells in your hands and place them shoulder with apart on the ground. Keep your core muscles engaged and your whole body as straight as possible. Perform a regular military push-up. Dumbbells will allow you to go a bit deeper than usually.

Push-ups renegade row using dumbbells

Perform a regular push-up using dumbbells as described above. When you reach the upper position of the movement perform a single arm row. Alternate sides after each repetition. This is a very good exercise for core muscle development.

T push-up

Perform a regular military push-up. When you reach the upper part of the movement lift one hand up and twist your body sideways. Lift your hand as high as you can and assume a “T” shaped position. Alternate sides after each repetition.

Floor press using dumbbells

Hold two dumbbells in your hand and lie down on your back with your knees slightly bent or fully extended. Perform a regular chest press (like you would be doing a bench press).

Bent over row

Slightly bend your knees and keep your back in a 45 degree angle. Perform a slow pulling motion until the dumbbells touch your chest. Pause and slowly return to the starting position.

High pulls

Stand straight with your feet shoulder with apart. Pull both hands up as high as you can. Pause and slowly return to the starting position. This is an excellent exercise for your upper back, side deltoids and trapezius muscles.

Shoulder shrugs

Stand straight with your feet shoulder with apart and hands at your sides with palms facing inwards. Lift your shoulders straight up without bending your elbows. It’s better to use a slightly heavier weight for this exercise.

Reverse grip bent over row

Very similar to the previously discussed regular bent over row. The only difference is that your palms should be facing out thus placing more emphasis on your biceps.

Bent over fly with dumbbells

Keep your knees slightly bent and your back in a 45 to 30 degree angle. Use your shoulders to lift your arms sideways without bending your elbows.

Renegade row

Very similar to the push-up renegade row using dumbbells. The only difference is that you will be always maintaining the upper position of a push-up.

Side deltoid raise

Rest one of your arms on an edge. While keeping your other arm perfectly extended raise it sideways until it’s horizontal to the ground. Pause and slowly return to the starting position.

Biceps curls

Perform a regular biceps curl. Don’t rock back and forth and try to use only your biceps to lift your arms.

Bicep curl to a shoulder press

Perform a regular bicep curl followed by a shoulder press. If you are short on time it’s always better to perform combo exercises like this one instead of performing biceps curls and shoulder presses separately.

Zottman curl with dumbbells

Perform a regular biceps curl. When you are at the upper position of the curl turn your hands around so that your palms are facing outwards. Slowly lower your arms back to the starting position.

Hammer curls

Stand straight with both hands by your sides. Without rocking back and forth lift your hands up while keeping your palms/fists perpendicular to the floor.

Triceps extension

Stand with your feet shoulder with apart. Extend one arm above your head. While keeping a dumbbell in your hand, bend your elbow and lower the dumbbell behind your head. Lift your hand up and repeat.

Side plank

Perform a regular side plank while holding a dumbbell in your upper hand. Without bending your elbow lift the arm straight up. Don’t use very heavy weights. It will help to prevent unnecessary injuries.

Russian twist with a dumbbell

Sit on the ground with your knees slightly bent. Keep your back straight and in a 45 degree angle. While keeping a dumbbell in front of you slowly twist your upper body to one side as far as you comfortably can. Repeat on both sides.

Dumbbell roll-outs

For this exercise you will need round dumbbells or an Olympic bar with round weight plates. Place your knees on the ground and hold on to two dumbbells. Lower your body while pushing your arms in front of you. Make sure that your lower back is always nice and straight. Work within your capabilities and make sure that your lower back is never hyper-extended.

Dumbbell weighted squat

Perform a regular squat while holding two dumbbells at your sides. Use appropriate weight and make sure that you don’t experience any pain in your knees, elbows or lower back.

Dumbbell jump squat

Very similar to the regular squat. The only difference is that the upward motion will be a lot more explosive thus causing your feet lift off the ground. Use light weights, because this exercise is very demanding on your lower back.

Squat to curl to press

Squat down with your hands at your sides. While lifting yourself up bend your arms so that when the squatting motion is finished your arms are in the upper position of a bicep curl. While keeping your core region tight perform a regular shoulder press.

Sumo squat with a dumbbell

Hold a dumbbell with both hands. Place your feet wider than shoulder with apart and perform a deep squat.

Rotating dumbbell squat press

While resting two dumbbells on your shoulders perform a regular squat. When coming up, extend your arms and twist your body to one side. This is an excellent full body conditioning exercise.

Romanian (aka stiff leg) deadlift with dumbbells

Keep your hands in front of you. While keeping your knees straight (or barely bent) lean forward until your palms are at the same level as your knees. Make sure to use rather light weights and always keep your lower body completely straight and your shoulders pulled back.

Romanian (aka stiff leg) deadlift to row with dumbbells

Perform a regular stiff leg deadlift. When you are at the lower position of the deadlift pull your hands towards the chest and perform a bent over row.

One leg Romanian (aka stiff leg) deadlift with dumbbells

Perform a regular Rumanian deadlift while balancing on one leg. Make sure to switch sides after each set.

Bulgarian split squat

Place one foot on an elevated surface. Perform a squat while keeping both hands at your sides.

Lunges with dumbbells

Perform a regular lunge while keeping two dumbbells in your hands. Try to go as low as you can while maintaining balance and excellent posture.

Lunge to press

Perform a regular lunge combined with shoulder press. When going into a lunge simultaneously perform a regular shoulder press.

Side lunge with dumbbells

Perform a regular side lunge while holding two dumbbells at your sides.

Reverse lunge with dumbbells

Just like a regular lunge, the only difference is that instead of stepping forward in order to get into the lunging position, you are required to step backwards.

Step-up using dumbbells

Find a platform (e.g. aerobics step) and while holding two dumbbells in your hands step up and down while alternating sides.

Shoulder press (aka military) press

While keeping your body firm and not generating extra momentum with your legs or core, perform a regular shoulder press.

Alternating shoulder press

Exactly the same as the previous exercise with the exception that only one hand goes up at a time.

Arnold’s (shoulder) press

The only difference between Arnold’s and regular shoulder press is that in Arnold’s press your hand will be rotating throughout the motion.

Push press with dumbbells

Similar to a regular shoulder press with the difference that during this exercise you should slightly bounce in your knees thus generating extra momentum. You will be able to use a heavier weight than in the regular shoulder press.

Lateral raises

Stand with your feet shoulder with apart and hands at your sides. Without bending your elbows lift both arms so that you assume the position of the letter “T”. Pause, bring your arms down and repeat.

Front raises

Just like lateral raises, but instead of raising your hands to your sides, you will lift both hands in front of you.

Front/lateral raise

A combination of both previously described exercises. You will lift one arm in front of you while the other will go to your side. Remember to switch sides.

Halo with a dumbbell

Hold the dumbbell with both hands. Rotate the weight slowly around your head. Remember to switch sides.

Side rotation (internal)

Lie on your side with your knees slightly bent. Take the weight in the bottom hand and slowly pull it towards your body. Make sure that you use a light weight in order to protect your elbows.

Side rotation (external)

Lie on your side with your knees slightly bent. Take the weight in the upper hand and slowly rotate it away from your body. Make sure that you use a light weight in order to protect your elbows.

Clean and press with dumbbells

Stand with your feet shoulder with apart and hands at your sides. While maintaining a strong core perform a little “kick” to lift the dumbbells up to your shoulders. From this position perform a regular shoulder press.

One arm snatch with a dumbbell

Take a dumbbell in one arm. Squat down and with a rapid motion bring your body back up. Use the momentum you generated through squatting to swing your hand up until it’s securely locked in the upper position. Make sure to slowly bring the weight back down.

Wood chopper (wood chipper) with a dumbbell

Hold a dumbbell with both hands and lift it above one of your shoulders. With a rapid, explosive movement swing the dumbbell across your chest until you reach the hip of your other side. With an explosive movement bring the dumbbell back to the starting position.

Wood chopper (wood chipper) lunges with a dumbbell

Perform a regular wood chopper while incorporating a lunge in each repetition.

180 degree wood chopper (wood chipper) with a dumbbell

Similar to the regular wood chopper, but instead of swinging the dumbbell across your chest, you will swing it over your head from one side to the other.

L sit

Sit on the ground with both legs extended in front of you. Use your arms and shoulders to lift your body slightly up. Keep your abs tight and don’t allow your feet to drop down. You should maintain a letter “L” like position.

Box Fitness gym offers a wide variety of dumbbells and other weightlifting equipment for all fitness levels. We are constantly adding new, high quality fitness tools in order to provide the best service for our clients.

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