Barbell Exercises for Legs
Back squat
Stand with your feet shoulder with apart and place the barbell on your shoulders (behind the neck). Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the ground or a bit lower, pause and stand back up.

Straddle lift
Stand with your feet shoulder with apart. One feet should be place slightly in front of the other one (just like if you were preparing to do a lunge). Place the barbell in-between your legs and lift it up while maintaining a flat lower back and strong shoulders.

Overhead squat
Perform a regular squat while keeping the barbell above your head in fully extended arms. Be careful and use weight you are 100% confident you can manage.

Stand with one feet placed in front of the other. Place the barbell on your shoulders and squat down. Make sure to alternate sides.

Hack squat/deadlift
Stand with your feet shoulder with apart and the bar placed behind your feet. Squat down until the barbell touches the ground, then lift yourself back up. This exercise usually puts less strain on your lower back muscles than regular back squats or deadlifts.

Barbell calf raises
Stand with your feet shoulder with apart and the bar in front of you. Slowly lift yourself up on your toes. Pause and slowly lower back down. Don’t bend your knees or hips. The movement happens only in your ankles.

Suitcase squat
Hold the barbell with one hand only. Perform a squat while keeping a straight back and good posture. This is a great exercise for core muscle training.

Front squat
Stand with your feet shoulder with apart and keep the barbell in front of you (resting on your chest). Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the ground or a bit lower, pause and stand back up.

Barbell Exercises for Chest Muscles
Regular bench press
Lay down on flat bench. Grab the bar a bit wider than shoulder with apart. Slowly lower the bar until in touches your chest, pause and push the bar back up until your arms are almost fully extended.

Wide grip bench press
Perform a regular bench press with your palms placed slightly wider on the bar. This variation helps to develop a wide and strong chest as well as improve shoulder mobility and stretch your chest muscles.

Narrow grip bench press
Perform a regular bench press with your palms placed in a slightly narrower position. This variation will put more emphasis on triceps development.

Floor press
Lay down on the floor. Grab the bar a bit wider than shoulder with apart. Slowly lower the bar until in touches your chest, pause and push the bar back up until your arms are almost fully extended. In comparison to the bench press this variation offers a more limited range of motion, but at the same time eliminates any assistance from your legs or hips.

Incline bench press 30 degrees
In comparison to the regular bench press this variation puts more emphasis on the upper chest muscles and shoulders (front deltoids).

Incline bench press 45 degrees
In comparison to the regular bench press this variation puts more emphasis on the shoulders (front and side deltoids).

Barbell Exercises for Arms
Barbell wrist curl
Stand straight with the bar in front of you. While keeping your arms stiff and almost fully extended move your palms up and down. The movement should happen only in your wrists.

Reverse barbell wrist curls
Very similar to the regular barbell wrist curls. The only difference is that the reverse one uses underhand grip instead of the overhand grip.

Bicep curls
Stand straight with the bar in front of you. While keeping your upper arms at the same place, bend your elbows and bring the bar close to your chest, pause and slowly bring it back down.

Upper and Lower Back Barbell Exercises
Good morning
Place the bar behind your neck and keep your feet shoulder with apart. While keeping your knees locked and lower back straight, slowly lean forward until your upper body is parallel to the ground. Pause and slowly bring yourself back to the starting position. Be very careful with the amount of weight you are using.

Stiff leg deadlift
Stand with your feet shoulder with apart and the bar in front of you. While keeping your knees locked and lower back straight, lean forward until the barbell is at the same level with your knees. Pause and bring yourself back up.

Bent knees deadlift
Very similar to the stiff leg deadlift with the only difference that your legs can be slightly bent. Suitable for people with limited flexibility/joint mobility and lower back issues.

Regular deadlift
Keep your feet shoulder with apart and your palms a bit wider than shoulder with apart. Squat down while keeping your back straight, pause and bring yourself back up.

Sumo deadlift
Place your feet in a very wide stance. Perform a deadlift using a rather narrow grip.

High pulls
Stand straight with the barbell in front of you. Use your shoulders and upper back to pull the bar up as high as you can. The aim is to touch your chin with the bar.

Assume a deadlift position. With an explosive movement from your hips, lift yourself up and bring the barbell above your head. Make sure to keep a strong and straight back. Start with a light weight and progress slowly.

Clean and press
Very similar to snatch, but instead of bringing the bar straight up, you will first bring it to your chest. After you have stabilized, use your shoulders to push the bar up.

Very similar to the regular clean and press. A great exercise to develop hand/wrist strength as well as improve your core muscles.

Bent over row
Grab the bar and bend over until your upper body is almost parallel to the ground. While keeping your knees and hips slightly bent, pull the bar towards your chest in controlled manner. Pause and bring it back down.

Barbell Exercises for Shoulders
Shoulder shrugs
Stand with your feet shoulder with apart and bar in front of you. While keeping a strong posture, pull your shoulders up towards your ears.

Military press
Stand with your feet shoulder with apart and the barbell placed on your chest. While keeping your hips and lower back strong and stiff, push the bar above your head.

Behind the head shoulder press
The same as the military press, but instead of lowering the bar to your chest, you will place it behind your head.

Single arm barbell push press
Rest one end of the barbell I the middle of a weight plate. Grab the other end with one of your hands. Use your legs, hips and shoulders to push the barbell up until your hand is fully extended.

Core Muscle Barbell Exercises
Leg raises
Lay flat on the ground with the barbell in fully extended arms. Without bending your knees lift your legs up until they are in 90 degrees towards the floor. Pause and bring them back down.

Side leans
Keep the barbell in on hand. Slowly lean to one side (towards the hand holding the bar) in very controlled manner. Pause and bring yourself back up. Try to use the full range of motion.

Side bends
Just like side leans, but instead of having the barbell in one hand you will place it on your shoulders.

Barbell rollouts
Get on your knees with barbell in front of you. Grab the bar and slowly start pushing it forward. Try to bring it as far forward as you can. The ultimate goal is to get your arms fully extended and in a line with your upper body. Make sure to always keep your abs strong and newer let your lower back sink in.

Barbell Tunk Twist
Hold one end of the barbell while the other end is place on the floor in the middle of a weight plate. You will need to have a wide stance for extra stability. While keeping your abs tight and your arms almost fully extended, start swinging them from one side to the other. This is a phenomenal exercise for core muscle development. Just make sure that you have properly warmed up before performing it. If not, you might injure your back.