We have just finished creating a well-rounded 3 day full-body conditioning routine. The main focus is on simplicity and use of highly effective movements. While the concept stays the same, there are some major differences between the three days. In day one we will be using an olympic barbell and the focus will be on the development of raw strength. In day two we are going to use kettlebells in order to develop that explosive strength and improve core and posterior chain muscle endurance. Day three will be all about bodyweight training and learning how to properly and efficiently use your body to execute demanding movement patterns.
Day 1 – Olympic barbell:
Perform 10 reps for each exercise without taking breaks between the exercises (or putting down your barbell). When you have done 10 reps of all exercise take a 1 minute break and repeat the whole process for five times in total.
Shoulder press – grab the bar a bit wider than shoulder with apart. Lift it up and slowly lower it back down. Rest it on your chest or on your shoulders (behind your head) before pressing up again. You can alternate the sides or pick the one that feels most comfortable for you.

Good morning – place the barbell on your shoulders. While keeping your legs and back relatively straight, lean forward as low as you can without crunching your lower back. The movement should happen only in your hip region.

High pull – grab the barbell with a relatively narrow grip. Slowly pull it as high as you can (no need to pull it higher than your chin) and lower it down in a controlled manner.

Lunges – place the barbell on your shoulders and perform alternated lunges. You should work within the range of your mobility, but the aim is to touch the ground with your knee while maintaining a straight back.

Stiff leg deadlift – put your feet shoulder with apart and hold the bar. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and while maintaining stiff legs and a straight upper and lower back, lower the bar as low as you can without bending your back. If you have a good level of flexibility you should be able to lower the bar just below you knees. If you can’t, continue to work within your range of motion and it will gradually increase.

Bent over row – bend over while keeping your back straight and strained. Slowly pull the barbell towards your chest, pause and lower it back down in a controlled manner.

Day 2 – Kettlebells:
Perform 20 (10 each side) reps for each exercise without taking breaks between the exercises (or putting down your kettlebell). When you have done 20 reps of all exercise take a 1 minute break and repeat the whole process for five times in total.
Kettlebell swing – keep your feet shoulder with apart and lower back completely straight. Use your legs and hips to generate movement in order to swing the kettlebell up. Stop the movement when your arm is parallel to the ground. All the “work” is done by your legs, hips and core muscles, not your arm or shoulder.

Kettlebell halo – circle the kettlebell around your head while keeping it always at your eye/ear level.

Kettlebell snatch – perform a regular kettlebell swing, but instead of stopping the motion midways, allow it to come all the way up until your arm is fully extended above your head. Lock it, pause for a second and return it to the starting position in a slow and controlled manner.

Kettlebell front squat/deep squat – perform a regular deep squat while holding a kettlebell in front of you.

Kettlebell wood chipper/chopper – stand with your feet shoulder with apart. Keep the kettlebell in front of you in slightly bent arms. While keeping your arms and shoulders fairly stiff, start to rapidly move the kettlebell from your shoulder to hip (across your torso). The created momentum will really work on your core muscles.

Kettlebell Russian twist – get into a crunch position with your knees slightly bent. Hold the kettlebell in front of your chest and slowly twist your torso from one side to the other.

Day3 – Bodyweight training:
Perform 10 reps for each exercise without taking breaks between the exercises. When you have done 10 reps of all exercise take a 1 minute break and repeat the whole process for five times in total.
Hindu/military push-ups – Place your palms and feet a bit wider than shoulder with apart. Keep your legs and arms fully extended and buttocks raised up. Slowly lower yourself towards the ground. When your face is close to the ground, start to arch your lower back and push yourself up. Pause for a second and return to the starting position. Note: If this exercise is too challenging for you, you can also do a regular military push-up.

Jump squats (max effort) – Jump as high as you can from a deep squat position. Try to maintain a constant rhythm – a jump every 2 to 3 seconds.

Body row – Make sure that the height of the rings is right. When you grab the rings with fully extended arms, your body should be very close to being horizontal, but your back shouldn’t touch the ground.

Spiderman push-up – Perform a regular military push-up. Every time you are lowering your body, bring one of your knees towards your elbow. Try to keep your torso as straight as possible throughout the movement.

Dips (rings/regular/chair)- depending on your current fitness level, perform bodyweight dips using gymnastic rings, dip-frame or just a regular chair or the edge of a boxing ring.

Mountain climbers – get into a push up position and slightly raise your buttocks. While maintaining your posture, start to bring your knees towards your chest one at a time. Speed is the key for this exercise.