Core muscles consist of the oblique, abdominal muscles, lower back, and the gluteal muscles. These four areas of the body are the ones that frame the posture of a person. Having strong core muscles will make you physically more powerful and help to maintain balance during physical activities. All explosive body movements are generated in the core region. It doesn’t matter how strong your arms, legs or shoulders are individually. If the centre of your body isn’t able to cope with it, you will not be able to produce your maximum power output.

If someone has a ripped six pack it doesn’t certainly mean that he/she has strong core muscles. Most of the time it only shows that this person has a low level of body fat. People often underestimate the importance of strong core musculature. It’s important to remember that core muscles have three main tasks: generation of movement, protection of spine and protection of internal organs. It’s vital to train this area regularly in order to prevent lower back injuries.

Below you can find a basic core muscle training routine which focuses on both static and flexing type core training exercises.

Regular plank: Place your elbows shoulder-with apart on the ground and extend your legs. Keep your abdominal muscles strained and buttocks slightly raised so that your belly doesn’t sink in. Maintain this position for as long as you can (at least 15 seconds and no longer than 3 minutes).

Side plank: Balance on one elbow and use your other arm for additional support. Keep your spine straight and abdominal muscles strained. This exercise will help to develop your obliques. Maintain this position for as long as you can (at least 15 seconds and no longer than 3 minutes). Remember to perform this exercise on both sides.

Side plank with a twist: this is an advanced variation of the side plank. Instead of maintaining a static position you should till your upper shoulder forward and lean as low as you can without losing your balance. Return to the starting position and repeat for 5 – 15 times. Remember to perform this exercise on both sides.

Abdominal crunch: Lie on the ground and bend your knees. While keeping your palms at the sides of your head embrace your abdominal muscles and lean forward. It’s not necessary to pull yourself all the way up to your knees. The focus is on REALLY engaging your abdominal muscles and using good technique even if it’s in a very short range of motion. You should perform this exercise for 10 – 30 times.

Straight leg crunch/reach: This exercise is similar to the abdominal crunch, but instead of bending your knees and working in a short range of motion you will stretch your legs out and by using a very smooth and fluid motion pull your upper body up and lean as far forward as you can. You should perform 10 – 30 repetitions of this exercise.

Russian twist with a kettlebell: Assume an abdominal crunch position and position your upper body in a 45 degree angle against the floor. While keeping a dumbbell, kettlebell or weight plate in your hands twist your body to one side in a controlled and slow manner. Return to the starting position and twist to the other side. If you haven’t done this exercise before you might wish to perform it without any weights. You should perform 8 – 20 repetitions of this exercise.

Superman back extension: Lie on the floor with your legs and arms fully stretched out. Use your back muscles to simultaneously lift your legs, arms and shoulders up as high as you can. Return to the starting position and repeat. For additional challenge you might take some really light dumbbells in your hands. You should perform this exercise for 15 – 30 repetitions.

Back extension with added resistance: Place the bar just below your belly button and keep a dumbbell, kettlebell or weight plate pressed against your chest. Lean forward while keeping your lower back strained and straight, meaning that the motion should happen only in your hips. Pull your upper body back and repeat. If you haven’t done this exercise before you might wish to perform it without any weights. You should perform 8 – 20 repetitions of this exercise.

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